Dive Studio: Mindset App
/Photo Credit: Mindset App
Mental health, as many of you know, has become such a topic since the beginning of the pandemic. It has opened up many doors for people to be able to have conversations about how we truly feel inside and how it affects our day-to-day life. Social media in this day and age is a double edge sword. We try our best to not be attached to our phones, but our phones can help us find resources to help us how to cope with the stress we carry around with us. Today, I am here to share an app I came across that has helped me destress and not feel alone.
Photo Credit: Mindset App
I discovered MINDSET this past year during the pandemic. I follow an artist named Eric Nam who is a Korean singer/songwriter. I have followed him for a while I love his music and even attended one of his shows in Seattle right before things began to shut down in 2020. If you haven’t heard of him, please go give him a listen. Honestly, he is the purest soul around and his voice is so soothing.
Eric created Dive Studios and it is a place that has a number of shows/podcasts that you can find ranging from different topics. This is also where I discovered one of my FAVORITE podcasts to listen to, The Daebak Show.
MINDSET is a collection of artists who have put their thoughts and feelings about their own personal struggles into a form where we as listeners can sit back and feel like we are having a conversation. They really stress the importance of mental health and help you understand that what you are feeling is totally okay and you’re not alone in this. Some of the artists you can hear from are Eric Nam, Tablo from Epik High, or Jae from Day6, just to name a few. Their mindsets range from all different parts of their lives. Some of them talk about their upbringing here in the US to when they started their music careers in Korea. Along the way, they touch on their own struggles with anxiety, eating disorders, suicide, and depression. Currently, the artists that they show on MINDSET are mainly Asian, with the exception of their newest MINDSET who is Amine, an African American artist. For me, I was able to relate to their struggles and growing up here in the US. I too have been bullied and felt alone and like an outcast. As Asian Americans, we grew up and were raised to really not talk about our feelings and it’s hard to open up about how we feel. MINDSET does an awesome job to help the listeners feel heard. The way each set flows is nice. When you hear them talking, it’s as if you’re in a room or on a car ride and they’re talking directly to you. It feels personal and that’s why I enjoy them so much.
Photo Credit:MINDESET app
Each MINDSET collection is roughly 10 episodes long. Each episode can be about 10-20 mins depending. The first episode of each collection is free to listen to so you can get a taste of what it will be like. Each collection is about $25. I know, you’re thinking, why pay? But what’s really awesome is that once you pay, you can listen to these at any given time and a portion of each MINDSET purchase will be donated to a specific charity based on which collection you buy! For example, I purchased Jae’s and his charity of choice is The Jed Foundation, an organization whose mission is to help protect emotional health and prevent suicide among teens and young adults. I think that is a win. When you click on each collection, you can see which charity each artist is working with.
Photo Credit: MINDSET App
One of the features that I love is the little disclaimers before each episode. You can either see the little symbol on each episode or they will mention it before the episode begins. This is super helpful, especially for people who are triggered by certain situations or keywords. They’re mindful of all their listeners.
I’ve been listening to Jae’s MINDSET for a while and there are times when he is talking and I will randomly blurt out, “OMG I have gone through that,” or “Damn, I never knew people felt the same way.” I listen to these on my way to work or while I’m getting ready and it’s a great way to really just clear my mind. Especially when I was having a bad day, I would throw this on and somehow my worries melted away.
Each episode is also a discussion board. This is a way for the listeners to interact with each episode and with each other. It’s a great way for you to see other people's thoughts and opinions and be vulnerable in that space.
Sometimes, we don’t need a full episode to get you through the day but sometimes you just need a little pep in your step. Along side the collections that you can purchase, MINDSET has curated free Boosters! Boosters are here to give you that extra support when you need it. Whether you need a prep before a big meeting or if you are experiencing a sudden heartbreak. These 3-5 min episodes are here to give a little spark to your day or to remind yourself that your little hiccup is not permanent. I know I can let the littlest thing ruin my day but I’ll plop one of these on and remind myself that it’s okay to make a mistake and tomorrow will be a new day. There’s also a part of the app that allows you to see daily quotes! Who doesn’t love that extra motivation.
This app has helped me feel not so alone in a world that has made me feel alone my whole life. I thank Eric and the artist who have come together to create such a safe space and be vulnerable with their fans and listeners. This is just one of the many resources to help with your mental health. Give it a download! This may change your life or just your mood. Every little bit helps right? I hope you take care of your mental health because it’s just as important as your physical help. I’m not healthcare professional but I am a human who understands that we need rest and recovery. It doesn’t matter if you started yesterday or if you start 5 years from now, your mental health journey is yours to pave. it doesn’t matter when you start. All that matters is when you! Here’s to you friends and thank you again to Dive Studios for taking extra care of your listeners and created MINDSET for us!